These traits are the most important in entrepreneurs
Priya Wadhwa

These traits are the most important in entrepreneurs

Nature vs. Nurture?

With UAE-based ride-hailing app Careem recently closing its $200 million funding round, a lot of entrepreneurs will have envisioned the day when they will be in that position – that their idea or business, which is going to change the world, will undergo a similar fate. No doubt, it has inspired freshly graduated college students to start their own venture with a couple of their classmates in pursuit of the romantic entrepreneurial life. However, this omits one important question: what traits do entrepreneurs need to succeed?

We often hear that entrepreneurs need to be resourceful, tenacious, a little stubborn, and so much more. But how much of that is actually true? Out of all the traits that human beings have, which ones are the most beneficial to starting and growing a successful business that will stand the test of time? Learn about these traits, including real-life examples and case studies of entrepreneurs and investors, here.