Emiratisation 2.0: What's Inside the Latest Guide for Employers?
Mokshita P.
10x Industry

Emiratisation 2.0: What's Inside the Latest Guide for Employers?

It aims to facilitate Emiratisation efforts in the UAE, offering insights into labor laws, hiring trends, and government initiatives, fostering collaboration between public and private sectors.

Hey, have you heard about TASC's latest initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) in the UAE? They've launched the second edition of the 'Making Emiratisation a Success Guide for 2024'.

So, what's this all about? Well, it's basically a joint effort between the public and private sectors to make it easier for UAE organisations to hire and integrate Emirati nationals into their workforce. They're building on some impressive results from 2022, where there was a significant increase in both the number of UAE nationals employed and the number of companies hiring them.

At the launch event, H.E. Ahmad Yousuf Al Nasser from MoHRE highlighted how this collaboration reflects their commitment to advancing Emirati professionals in various sectors. They've got several programs like Nafis, the Apprenticeship Program, and others aimed at providing tailored opportunities for career growth and skill development among Emiratis.

Now, the guidebook itself is quite comprehensive. It covers everything from labor laws and government initiatives to current hiring trends specifically for UAE nationals. They've done some extensive research across different sectors, including finance, logistics, IT, and more, to give a detailed picture of the job market.

One interesting finding from their survey is that a majority of UAE national employees seem pretty satisfied with their current jobs, especially valuing things like work-life balance, job security, and career development. On the employer side, many are keen on hiring UAE nationals, particularly for roles like customer service, sales, and operations.

Mahesh Shahdadpuri, the CEO of TASC Outsourcing, emphasised how this guidebook goes beyond just being a resource—it's a tool for successful Emiratisation for both employers and UAE nationals. And it seems like there's a strong willingness from both sides to make it work, with a significant percentage of candidates open to joining either the public or private sector.

The guidebook also covers important stuff like Emiratisation policies, benefits, and penalties for non-compliance, along with details about government initiatives and programs to boost Emiratisation efforts.

So, overall, it looks like a pretty valuable resource for anyone involved in hiring or looking for opportunities in the UAE, don't you think?