Space Startup Pitch Competition Launched by UAE Space Agency to Target Sustainability Challenges
Mita Srinivasan
10X Technology

Space Startup Pitch Competition Launched by UAE Space Agency to Target Sustainability Challenges

Startups focusing on combining elements such as climate, sustainability, mobility, space situational awareness, and earth observation imagery, are encouraged to participate, offering them a platform to present groundbreaking solutions that tackle Earth's environmental and resource sustainability issues via space technologies.

The UAE Space Agency, in partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bayanat, and Planet, has launched the Space Startup Pitch Competition, aiming to address sustainability and climate change through innovative space technologies. Part of the Vista Space Challenge at the Dubai Airshow, the competition invites global startups to propose solutions by October 19, 2023.

Startups, focusing on combining elements such as climate, sustainability, mobility, space situational awareness, and earth observation imagery, are encouraged to participate, offering them a platform to present groundbreaking solutions that tackle Earth's environmental and resource sustainability issues via space technologies. The competition also calls for AI projects dedicated to analysing space-related data and providing solutions for space missions, while concurrently addressing terrestrial environmental issues.

The evaluation of applications will be conducted by a team from the UAE Space Agency, AWS, Bayanat, and Planet, based on criteria like team quality, technical innovation, business plan viability, and impact/sustainability.

The application process will culminate in a selection of finalists, who will be notified by October 23 and asked to pitch their projects on stage at the Dubai Airshow on November 13. Winning entrants stand to gain not only monetary rewards but also:

  • Mentorship and AWS Promotional Credits from AWS.

  • Access to the Geospatial Analytics Platform/Space Data Centre and a platform to promote solutions during COP28, provided by UAE Space Agency & Bayanat.

  • Mentorship from space experts and training in satellite data-building algorithms from Planet.

In parallel, the UAE Space Agency has forged partnerships with Bayanat, Planet Labs, and AWS to fortify a sustainable economy grounded in knowledge and diversity, marking a significant step in leveraging space technology and data management to combat climate change and further sustainability goals.

In a landscape where startups play a pivotal role in technological advancements, this competition serves as a critical link between innovative solutions and the pressing global need for sustainability strategies in and from the space technology sector.