Augmented Reality startups face difficulties in 2019
Priya Wadhwa
10X Technology

Augmented Reality startups face difficulties in 2019

Running an SME that focuses on AR? Here are some challenges to be wary of.

Just six years ago, virtual reality (VR) seemed to be the next big wave in technology startups. Oculus, the US-based VR headset manufacturer that was founded in 2012, was acquired by Facebook just two years later, and there were many startups and corporates alike that wanted to enter the VR arena. Similarly, augmented reality (AR), where there is an overlay on the real world rather than a completely different world altogether, became very popular.

However, going into 2019, these fields have faced many difficulties. Even though these startups and corporates have sold quite a few virtual reality headsets and augmented reality items, they have generally not lived up to the hype they received before. Techcrunch, the influential US tech website, wrote an article about Magic Leap and other AR startups, and why they are going to face a difficult 2019, looking at the current state of the AR market.

Read more about the difficulties these startups face here.