5 tech devices entrepreneurs need to have
Priya Wadhwa

5 tech devices entrepreneurs need to have

Do you have them all?

When running your own company, it is often difficult to take a step back and look at the broader picture. People often get caught up in the little details, which ultimately makes them lose focus. Moreover, as one gets into a rhythm of things, they'll do certain things a certain way because that’s how they have always done them. That is not necessarily bad, but it is always good to question yourself, to make sure you are taking actions for the right reasons.

Very few take a step back to see if they are using the right devices. People often use their own laptops and phones to work on the go; but there are so many new devices that can make work smoother, easier and more efficient. Below, we have highlighted 5 tech devices that are ideal for entrepreneurs who are looking to up their game when it comes to working efficiently and smartly.

1. Tablet

Yes, they might be well known, but they are incredibly important to have for founders. As an entrepreneur, a tablet offers you a powerful and portable option to bring on the go, that is much easier to use as a work option than your phone. Moreover, with the newly launched iPadOS, you will be able to use your iPad in many more ways to make your work life easier.

Moreover, many of the tablets today are as powerful as laptops and a lot lighter and portable to carry. They can also set a more nuanced tone for your next meeting as you can showcase your products and services on the go. There is no need to rely on projectors and laptops.

2. Powerful charger

As an entrepreneur, you are often on the move while still working on your phone, laptop or tablet. While fast charging phones are super important to charge on the go and avoid the low battery issues, there are super powerful portable chargers available in the market today that can power laptops, multiple phones and tablets at the same time.

Invest in a good one with multiple charging ports and convertible adaptors.

3. Portable laptop and phone stand

When travelling from place to place, it is often easier to use a phone or a tablet, as mentioned above. However, when you are in a particular location such as a client office, an industry event, or even just travelling on a flight, it is very helpful to have a sleek laptop stand, which tilts the laptop to a certain angle. While this may not be a high-tech device, it can be a lot more ergonomic for longer use, no matter where you are.

If you have ever looked at some laptop stands, you will know that some of them are incredibly clunky. This does not make it easy to carry them around at all – which is why you should be looking for a foldable, light-weight alternative, which makes it a lot easier to store in your laptop case.

4. Fitness tracker

Entrepreneurs often get caught up working around the clock in order to get their startup off the ground or keep their business moving. This sometimes becomes all-consuming, which can have a severe impact on the entrepreneur’s social life and overall health. A fitness tracker, in this case, can be incredibly eye-opening to how active you are in a day.

There are many different forms, shapes and sizes that fitness trackers come in. You can have an app on your phone, which helps you keep track of your progress, or a fitness watch, which will help you with a step counter and other fitness-related metrics. There are also sleek versions of fitness trackers in the form of simple rings that can add a level of sophistication without compromising on looks.

5. Smart writing set

Last, but not least on the list is a smart writing set. This might sound unnecessary, but a lot of people still rely on the good old pen and paper. Luckily, a smart writing set combines this tried and tested method of pen and paper with the digital.

A Moleskine smart writing set, for example, lets you use the pen and paper, which corresponds to a digital version of the paper on a tablet or laptop. Hence, you still get the pleasure of writing in a notebook, but your notes and files are automatically stored on your laptop or tablet, ready to be used on the go and sent within a second’s notice.

With these devices, you can drastically improve the way that you work by cutting the time that you would otherwise use by copy and pasting, to do other things.

Technology has made life a lot simpler. While there is a certain charm in doing things the old-fashioned way, these devices can add a smarter touch to the way you work. Moreover, they can also play a role in setting the right impression when meeting important stakeholders.