Building High-Performing Remote Teams to Promote Productivity While Cutting Costs
Mita Srinivasan
10X People

Building High-Performing Remote Teams to Promote Productivity While Cutting Costs

By cultivating an environment of trust, open communication, and adaptability, businesses can enable their remote workforce to do more than merely get by — they can flourish in the evolving workplace, shares Kamal Reggad, the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of RemotePass, in this exclusive piece to SME10x

The swift transition to remote work in recent years has opened new doors to incredible talent worldwide. Employers need to adapt their approach to management and empower their global workforce to seize the opportunities that remote work offers. Research from McKinsey found that shifting economies, evolving workforces, and rising costs (both capital and labor) are the biggest threat to companies globally in 2024. To maintain profitability and competitiveness, leaders must look for ways to enhance efficiency in managing their teams. Thankfully, there are many ways to achieve this — ranging from adopting new technology to strengthening internal communication.

Realize the True Capabilities of AI

The foundation of successful remote team leadership lies in utilizing technology. Harness the capabilities of AI and automation to simplify routine tasks, optimize processes, and reveal critical data insights. Research by Forbes indicates that 64% of companies anticipate productivity gains through AI.

Companies must also enhance their HR technology infrastructure to fully back their remote teams, capitalizing on the wave of AI-driven automation. Utilizing software like RemotePass simplifies the management of a worldwide team — covering everything from hiring and payroll, to administering benefits. This approach not only rids of inefficient processes, minimizes the chance of human error, but also frees up precious time for HR departments to concentrate on strategic, people-centric initiatives.

Activate an Outcome-Based Culture

Successful remote work prioritizes outcomes over conventional office hours and presenteeism. Foster a culture focused on results by establishing specific performance objectives. Empower your team to self-manage their schedules and fulfill their responsibilities—given that 62% of employees report higher productivity levels when working remotely, contributing an additional 6-7 hours weekly compared to their in-office counterparts.

Assessing employees based on their results and contributions fosters a culture of ownership and responsibility. Such a strategy also provides greater schedule flexibility, making it easier to accommodate various time zones and individual preferences.

Overhaul Your Training and Development Programs

Leaders need to reconsider approaches to learning and skill advancement. With 69% of workers feeling that remote work hampers their training and development, establishing structured training initiatives and offering resources for learning, mentorship, and skill improvement is crucial. A well-trained team is more likely to thrive in its duties, aid in optimizing operations, and be less prone to leave.

Elevate Your Approach to Remote Communication

Efficient communication forms the foundation of every thriving team, yet it becomes absolutely critical in a remote setting. Remote organizations must set precise communication protocols to ensure smooth operations and prevent confusion and misalignment. This involves specifying the modes and methods of communication, expected response times, and availability requirements during work hours.

Studies show that companies with robust and streamlined remote communication systems are 4.5 times more likely to keep their employees than those without. It's important for businesses to be open to feedback from their teams and ready to reevaluate their preconceptions. For instance, 62% of remote employees favor using video during calls, and the majority lean towards prioritizing asynchronous collaboration.

Make Work-Life Balance a Priority

While remote work provides flexibility, it also obscures the line between professional and personal spheres. A notable 93% of remote employees experience higher levels of satisfaction, and 90% have observed a boost in productivity. Furthermore, 61% have seen a decrease in stress, with nearly half (44%) noting mental health improvements. It's critical to reinforce these positive trends and maximize their advantages. Motivate your team to maintain a healthy work-life equilibrium by establishing explicit limits and promoting breaks, as excessive work can result in burnout and diminished efficiency.

Focus on Improving Engagement

Employee engagement in remote settings is vital. Engaged employees tend to be 23% more productive, according to a Gallup study. To bridge the physical distance, prioritize fostering a sense of community through regular, non-work related virtual interactions, team-building activities, and internal communication channels. Empower your team by setting clear expectations, providing feedback, and offering flexible work arrangements. Recognizing and rewarding contributions publicly boosts morale and motivates further achievement. Encouraging team members to “work out loud” in open communication channels and providing feedback ensures employees feel heard and valued.  

By embracing these strategies and cultivating an environment of trust, open communication, and adaptability, you can enable your remote workforce to do more than merely get by — they can flourish in the evolving workplace. Welcome transformation, harness the potential of technology, and propel your business to success in a world that's becoming more digital and interconnected daily.

About the author

Kamal Reggad is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of RemotePass, a global onboarding and payroll platform, that allows businesses to easily hire, pay, and manage their remote teams across the world, founded in September 2020. Check out his earlier piece here.