A Chinese VC fund could soon be established in Bahrain
Priya Wadhwa
Industry Watch

A Chinese VC fund could soon be established in Bahrain

Says the chief executive of its Economic Development Board.

China is already a world superpower, evident from the tough trade wars with the US. Having some of the money flow into the middle east, will no doubt see the ecosystem accelerate.

Bahrain is one of the first in the Middle East to announce the likely establishment of a Bahraini-Chinese venture capital fund in the Kingdom. Economic Development Board (EDB) chief executive Khalid Al Rumaihi announced this venture was “on the cards.” When it is established, the fund will help startups gain the capital they need to expand.

While we are not aware of such confidential talks that take place between countries, it stands to reason that other Arab countries could be looking to bring China’s financial power to region.

China has been investing in many countries with the vision to dominate the world, especially the ones in need of financial resources. In the short run, this fund could very well be what the region is looking for to accelerate its startup ecosystem and long term economy. We will just have to see how the politics and the role of China in the region play out over the long term.

Read more about the possibility of the venture here.